Welcome to my complimentary download page.
Feeling anxious? Try my FREE 20-minute download to help you banish your worries and relax. Anxiety and stress has a huge impact on mental health. My FREE anxiety release download will help ease the strain.
Simply taking 20 minutes out of your day to relax your mind and body can be hugely beneficial. This recording is designed to help you do just that.
Just complete your name and email address below and I'll email it straight to you.
The recording is best listened to through headphones.
N.B This is a hypnotherapy recording and must not be listened to whilst driving or operating machinery. The hypnotherapy recording can help with general low-level anxiety, the only people it is not suitable for are individuals with serious mental health issues, such as Schizophrenia and Clinical Depression.
In addition to listening to this recording once a day, I would also like to send you some emails filled with tips and simple techniques you can do to help you minimise anxiety, then please complete the form below.
I hope my free hypnosis recording and top tips help you and your partner.
If I can help or give you any further advice, please do get in touch by either emailing me at [email protected] or calling (01502) 587341.